As we head into the final stretch of 2020 with the holiday season and preparing for 2021, the last thing studio owners and managers should be worrying about is the frigggggin sub process. Ohhh you know what we’re talking about… the constant chase, countless emails, reply-all’s, Facebook messages, spreadsheets, the group texts, or any other process you’ve implemented in the hopes of streamlining sub communication. Well, time to stop that stress train right on its tracks. Afterall, we’ve had enough in 2020! 

Say goodbye to inefficient communication methods with our fitness business management software that automates your studio’s operations

How can we help you make this happen? Just sprinkle a little NetGym on top of your Mariana Tek, and in minutes, POOF! Your sub is found and your live schedule is updated. 

Let’s spin, plank, squat, and twist into what this new Mariana Tek partner can mean for studio owners and managers:

Save Time & Money 

Using Mariana Tek and NetGym together can help automate your entire sub process and update your live schedule in real-time! With NetGym, you’ll have a consolidated view of sub communication across all of your locations freeing up time to focus on your customer retention and revenue initiatives. At the same time, your Teachers, Instructors, or Coaches can easily send out and receive requests that are relevant to them based on what and where they can teach, reducing the time and energy spent managing sub communication. The unified Sub Board and Sub Schedule across multiple studio locations, simplifies the entire process for everyone involved. Goodbye spreadsheets, reply-all emails, group text chains, and manual teacher swaps. Hello quality time with instructors, members, and EFFICIENCY! 

Improve Staff & Client Experiences 

We all know how frustrated and vocal some customers can be when they show up to a class only to see their favorite teacher NOT there! Maybe you didn’t have time to make the change manually? Thanks to the integration help and trusted partnership with Mariana Tek, NetGym’s reliable, effective and efficient collaboration could guarantee your upcoming classes are covered with your best available teacher and instantly update your live schedule for customers to see. And let’s not forget about your staff! NetGym makes it easier for them to find coverage in seconds, eliminates the negative energy and stress that persists around subbing, allows managers to focus on more value-driven activities for the studio, and provides instructors with an opportunity to easily pick up classes to make extra money! Discover secrets to studio success to enhance both staff and client experiences at your studio.

You Can Customize Your Sub Policy and Process

With COVID-19 and the holiday season upon us, it’s important to get ahead of your staff requesting time off.  Nobody wants to stress out about having to find last minute subs or no-shows, causing the manager to step away to teach the class! NetGym enables you to customize and automate your sub request flow to fit your unique sub policy needs. This includes when sub requests can be sent, specific approval permissions, and account setup to ensure maximum visibility across urgent time off requests. 

Analyze Staff Behavior

Understand all staff sub behavior and also their responsiveness so you can reward them! Use NetGym’s insights data for instructor evaluations and engagement opportunities. See who is subbing and how often, who is sending urgent requests and how often, and who is picking up classes and being a team player.

Prior to NetGym, we paid someone a full-time salary to handle sub requests for 6 studios. It was not timely, nor cost effective. NetGym has simplified our sub requests by allowing instructors to pick up subs that work with their schedules and then changing the schedule in Mariana Tek pending our manager approval. We have also included NetGym analytics in our annual performance reviews by using their Insights to track how often they are requesting and picking up sub requests. NetGym has been a game changer for our company!!” 

Jill Y., Instructor Manager @ Grit Cycle

After implementing NetGym for our sub-requests, we’re saving hours per week on our scheduling needs. Even more helpful: being able to track metrics around subs, so we can make data-informed decisions to best drive our team’s needs.

Nick R, Recruiting & Instructor Operations Manager @ SLT

NetGym allowed us to streamline and automate around our existing sub request scheduling process. Instead of an instructor sending out a text or trying to find a sub manually, they are able to log into a simple mobile app which already knows their schedule and asks for the reason. From there, the workflow allows for approval and automatically updates the instructor in Mariana Tek. Sub metrics are tracked and reportable which is super valuable. This tool has saved us so much time all around. Highly recommend NetGym!

Nick Y., Co-Founder & CTO @ Spark Yoga

Interested in trying out NetGym for free? Schedule time with the NetGym Team and see how you can get started in just 24 hours!

CLICK HERE to book a Mariana Tek demo!

Article by Xplor Mariana Tek

First published: January 04 2023

Last updated: September 27 2024