In the ever-evolving world of yoga, studios are constantly seeking ways to refresh their offerings and stand out in a crowded market. Enter the guest instructor: a beacon of new perspectives, specialized techniques, and a magnet for curious yogis looking for something a tad different from their usual routine. But while the allure of a guest instructor can be tantalizing, it’s not just about rolling out the mat and lighting the incense sticks. It’s a dance of alignment – ensuring that this new presence harmonizes with your studio’s ethos, values, and community. Before you dive into this exciting collaboration, there are some essential questions to consider.  

The Importance of Due Diligence When Hiring a Guest Instructor

In the competitive landscape of yoga, every decision can significantly impact a studio’s reputation and client satisfaction. When considering a guest instructor, it’s not just about their popularity or unique teaching style; it’s about ensuring they align with your studio’s values, culture, and expectations. This alignment is crucial for both the short-term success of the guest sessions and the long-term reputation of your studio.  

As such, due diligence becomes an indispensable step in the hiring process. By asking the right questions, you can gain a comprehensive understanding of the instructor’s approach, expectations, and potential fit with your studio. Let’s explore the essential questions that will guide you in making an informed decision.

8 Essential Questions to Ensure Your Guest Yoga Instructor is a Perfect Fit

Question 1:

What is your teaching philosophy?  

Understanding an instructor’s core beliefs and approach to yoga can give you invaluable insights into how they’ll fit into your studio’s culture. Are they more traditional, or do they incorporate contemporary methods? Do they focus on the physical aspects, or is there a strong emphasis on the spiritual journey? By grasping their philosophy, you can gauge if it aligns with what your studio and its members value.

Question 2:

What specific styles or techniques do you specialize in?  

Every yoga instructor has their niche, their unique flavor they bring to the mat. Whether it’s a deep-rooted expertise in Ashtanga, a passion for restorative Yin, or a knack for blending yoga with contemporary dance, understanding their specialization can help you identify gaps in your current offerings or enhance what you already provide. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to introduce something fresh and exciting to your regular attendees, keeping them engaged and eager for more.

Expand your class offerings with ease. Use our software for fitness studios to introduce new styles and manage guest instructors effortlessly.

Question 3:

Can you provide references from previous studios or workshops?  

While a glowing resume and an impressive social media following can be enticing, there’s no substitute for firsthand accounts of an instructor’s professionalism, teaching style, and rapport with students. Asking for references allows you to get a clearer picture of how the instructor interacts in a real-world setting. It’s an opportunity to hear about their strengths, areas of improvement, and any unique qualities they bring to their classes. By reaching out to previous studios or workshop organizers, you can ensure that you’re bringing in someone who not only talks the talk but truly walks the walk.

Question 4:

What are your expectations regarding compensation and other benefits?  

Money talks, but it’s not always just about the amount. It’s about understanding the full package. Does the instructor expect a flat fee, a percentage of class fees, or a combination of both? Are there any additional perks they’re looking for, such as accommodation for those coming from afar, or specific equipment they’d like the studio to provide? Being clear on these details from the get-go can prevent potential misunderstandings down the line. Plus, it ensures that both parties feel valued and respected in the collaboration, laying the groundwork for a fruitful and harmonious partnership.

Question 5:

How do you handle feedback and adapt your teaching style?  

The journey of yoga is one of continuous learning and adaptation. Even the most seasoned instructors find room to evolve and grow. Understanding how a potential guest instructor receives and implements feedback is crucial for maintaining the quality and consistency of your studio’s offerings. Do they welcome constructive criticism? Are they willing to tweak their style to better suit your clientele? An instructor who embraces feedback with an open heart and mind is one who will likely mesh well with your team and contribute positively to your studio’s atmosphere and student experience.

Question 6:

What kind of promotional support do you expect from the studio?  

In today’s digital age, promoting special classes or workshops is as essential as the content itself. Understanding a guest instructor’s expectations in terms of marketing can help streamline efforts and ensure maximum reach. Do they expect dedicated email campaigns, social media shoutouts, or even physical posters around the studio? Perhaps they have a significant online following and would like to co-promote the event on their platforms. Aligning on promotional strategies ensures that both the studio and the instructor work hand-in-hand to make the event a resounding success, drawing in both regulars and potentially new faces eager to experience the guest instructor’s expertise.

Question 7:

Are there any specific equipment or setup requirements for your classes?  

Every instructor has their unique rhythm and style, and sometimes, this might come with specific needs. Perhaps they incorporate props like blocks, straps, or even more specialized equipment into their sessions. Or maybe they prefer a particular room setup, lighting, or sound system for their classes. Discussing these details upfront ensures that the studio is well-prepared to accommodate these requirements, leading to a smoother experience for both the instructor and the attendees. It also helps in avoiding last-minute scrambles or adjustments, ensuring that the focus remains on delivering an exceptional yoga session.

Question 8:

How do you handle potential conflicts or issues with students?  

Even in the serene realm of yoga, conflicts or misunderstandings can arise. It could be a student challenging the instructor’s methods, disagreements over adjustments, or even personal differences. Understanding how a guest instructor approaches conflict resolution is crucial for maintaining the studio’s harmonious environment. Do they approach issues with empathy and patience? Are they open to dialogue and finding middle ground? Ensuring that the instructor’s conflict resolution style aligns with the studio’s values and ethos can prevent potential disruptions and ensure that all students feel safe, respected, and heard.

Conclusion: The Dance of Collaboration

Inviting a guest instructor into your yoga studio is much like a dance. It’s a blend of rhythm, understanding, and mutual respect. By asking these pivotal questions, you’re not just ensuring a seamless integration of the instructor into your studio’s fabric, but you’re also setting the stage for an enriching experience for your community.

Remember, it’s not just about filling a slot in the schedule; it’s about enhancing the offerings, bringing fresh perspectives, and ensuring that every yogi who steps onto the mat leaves with a sense of fulfillment and eagerness for the next session.

For studio owners looking to streamline this collaboration and manage their operations seamlessly, consider exploring Mariana Tek’s Yoga Studio Software. It’s designed to handle everything from scheduling to promotions, ensuring that your focus remains on delivering exceptional yoga experiences. And for more insights on optimizing your studio’s offerings, don’t miss our recent article on Personalizing Your Yoga Studio with AI.

So, as you embark on this exciting collaboration, take a moment to reflect, ask the right questions, and dance in harmony with your guest instructor. The results? A symphony of smiles, rejuvenated spirits, and a thriving yoga community.

Before you finalize any contracts, discover the advantages of working with guest instructors. Read more in 5 Unexpected Benefits of Hosting Traveling Yoga Instructors.

Article by Xplor Mariana Tek

First published: October 26 2023

Last updated: September 24 2024