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March 15, 2023

How to Keep Your Customers Engaged During the Holiday Season

December tends to be a slower season for studios, with customers foregoing their regular workout schedule in lieu of holiday parties and curling up on the couch with Hallmark movies. But all this doesn’t mean your class attendance has to completely bottom out. It’s possible to keep your clientele focused with the right strategy and incentives.

December tends to be a slower season for studios, with customers foregoing their regular workout schedule in lieu of holiday parties and curling up on the couch with Hallmark movies. But all this doesn’t mean your class attendance has to completely bottom out. It’s possible to keep your clientele focused with the right strategy and incentives. Here are 8 ways you can fight the holiday drop-off and keep your clients engaged:

8 ways to keep your customers engaged over the holiday season 

  1. Give back 

Try partnering with a charity in your community to raise money for a good cause. You could have a certain percentage of proceeds from December go towards it. Your members will enjoy working out and giving back. 

  1. Get into the holiday spirit 

Consider offering holiday pop-up classes, such as Santa spinning or a healthy Hanukkah bootcamp series. A limited series like this can generate excitement and allow your clients to feel connected with the holiday spirit. 

  1. Integrate wearable tech 

Wearable tech can help your clients feel motivated and connected with other members of your community. Try offering different challenges and advertise them/congratulate the winners on social media. For example, you could have a step challenge, where everyone needs to walk ten flights per day for a week.   

  1. Offer goal setting sessions 

Some customers may feel unmotivated because they haven’t set any goals to reach. Try offering free or discounted one-on-one goal setting sessions with your clients and trainers to help them stay focused and excited about future accomplishments. 

  1. Stay flexible

Clientele may shy away from purchasing class packages or training sessions if they feel like they’ll be too busy or unmotivated to use them up by the time they expire. You can navigate around this problem by being flexible with expiration dates and giving customers a longer time to use them up.  

  1. Focus on the dos, not the don'ts'

No one wants to hear that they need to put down the hot toddy in lieu of a cup of tea. Rather than lecture your clients on how they should be working out more, focus on the benefits of exercise and eating right. They’ll be more motivated to stick to a fitness routine if you advertise it as a positive way to relieve stress.

  1. Stay in contact

Make sure your customers don’t forget about you. Stay in touch by sending DM’s, texts, calls, or transactional/triggered emails with a studio management software such as Mariana Tek. Mariana Tek’s customer communication platform can make it easy for you to engage directly with your clientele to check-in periodically or inform them about new studio offerings. 

  1. Add value

Offering promotions to clients such as free access for December when they upgrade their membership or buy a certain class package size can be an enticing promotion. After all, who doesn’t like feeling like they’re getting a deal?  

While the cold winter months may not be especially conducive to feeling motivated for workouts, they don’t have to result in a big attendance drop for your studio either. Small tweaks to your offerings with a focus on communicating with your clientele can help you stay busy until spring. 

**Book a demo with Mariana Tek to see how your studio can benefit from its growth-centric offerings. 

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